Movie Review - The Wailing
The Wailing (2016) The Wailing is a South Korean production film with horror, thriller and mystery genres. The movie is predominantly to showcase in a center of a policeman who was struggling in seeking what was happening in the village with a lot of supernatural things that have happened in the village. The movie was a success in terms of shooting and shots were taken in the movie. Also, the main adjustments of lighting in terms of editing are most likely can be seen as an achievement in the movie. Besides, in the movie as if for starters - the first scene that I was kinda stoked when the camera took a shot of an establishing shot with mid rage shot of an old man was sitting on a giant rock by the river while fishing. The scenery of the place and the dim lights make the shot better. The scenery of the mountains and river made the shot more solid in the film. Then, a shot was taken with a long shot in a room while the policeman was getting ready to go to work - the usage of li