Movie Review - Brokeback Mountain

Back then, it is forbidden to have a relationship with the same gender in America and the whole world to be exact, it is beyond the culture and norm at that time. This film was premiered in 2005 portrayed two guys who were unexpectedly in love with each other while they were working together as shepherds at the Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming. After doing their job, they went back to their hometown and separated ever since both of them found their significant others and get married. A few years then, they met each other and went to Brokeback Mountain and secretly being together without their wives know. Eventually, good things between them did not last long because one of the guy's wives knew what "they are" secretly in love with each other. 

The Director, Ang Lee

Born in 1954, Taiwan graduated from The Arts College and pursue his Bachelor's Degree in Theather, Univerisity Illinois. While doing his Masters Degree in Film Production he worked as Assistant Director at New York University, nominated as Year's Best Director by The National Board and the New York  Film Critics Circle. 

Some of his achievements and movie directed by him;

Ride with The Devil (1999) 
Best Screenplay at Cannes - The Ice Storm (1997)
Best Picture & Best Adapted Screenplay in Oscars Award - Sense & Sensibility (1995)
Nominated by Golden Globes & Oscars Award - Homosexual Film: The Wedding Banquet (1993)

Shots and angles 

This movie was shot in the beautiful city of Wyoming and the Brokeback Mountain as for the main title of this film:

Starting of the movie showing the scenery of the scene in the film using Establishing Shot 

The city of Wyoming - an overview of the place using Establishing Shot 

The view of Brokeback Mountain - Establishing Shot

The view of one of the guys working - Establishing Shot

The scenery - Establishing Shot

The scene emphasizing on the woodwork - Close Up Shot

The scene of an actor while taking rest after working - Mid Range Shot

The view of Brokeback Mountain - Establishing Shot

The shot emphasizes the actor's expression - Mid Range Shot

The shot of both of the guys was talking settling their issues - Establishing Shot 

The shot of intimacy between them after they met again at Brokeback Mountain - Close Up Shot


It is believed that love can only last long with the person that you truly love, sharing your time together, be affectionate with one another but it is crucial to living and love someone who is the opposite sex of yours but the love still remains silent even though it is tough for them to show it. This movie has shown the true side and color of what it was like back then to be in love with someone as same-sex before same-sex marriage was legalized in certain countries in the world. In terms of shots, this movie really takes into another step of showing the beautiful side of Wyoming for those who never imagined seeing this kind of beautiful scenery so does the screenplay by both actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger. 


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