Movie Review - The Help

Racism is built ever since the enslavement of black people in one of the famous movies 12 Years A Slave. It has been going all over since day one and it has not stopped ever since that. The Help is a 2011 film highlighted racial discrimination of black skin two maids cast by Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer they had to serve the white people with daily oral harass by them. A story of a young white girl who inspired to be a journalist and to produce a book one day. She focuses her story on each maid, exposing the racism that they have faced for all these years. The book came across to attention of white people around the neighborhood and they had the realization that the maids are humans should not be treated like that. The adaptation from a novel The Help by Stockett has made four times nominated in the Academy Award. 

The Director, Tate Taylor 

The Help was one of his success in film making, as an actor, in his career this movie has earned positive comments and feedbacks by the audience which makes the movie net worth over $200 million dollars and nominated for best picture by the Academy Awards. Some of his achievements are as follows;

2013 - Vail Film Festival Vanguard Award
2012 - BAFTA Best Adapted Screenplay Nomination
2012 - Writer's Guild of America Best Adapted Screenplay 
2012 - Image Award Nomination 

Some of his career as a movie director, Get Up (2014), Eve (2018), an outstanding mind-blown film has ever created The Girl on The Train which this movie hit the film in the Box Office. 

Shots and angles

Rule of Third 

The subject is placed on the right side of the screen frame 

The subject is placed on the left side of the screen frame 

 The subject is placed on the left side of the screen frame

Mid Range Shot 
 The subjects are placed in the frame accordingly to show the full view of the actors in the screen 

The subjects are placed in between each of them while they were conversing to each other in the frame 

 The subjects are placed symmetrically to give dimension and position of subjects are aesthetically balanced in the screen frame 

 Establishing Shot 

 The frame focuses on the main event that is happening in the film to show to the audience the whole view of the current situation

High Angle Shot

 The frame focuses on the aerial view of the shot to make sure that the current situation is being shown in the film 

The frame focuses on the aerial view of the shot to make sure that the current situation is being shown in the film 

Close Up 

 The camera focuses on the subject in the screen frame to give and show the message to the audience

 The camera focuses on the subject to show the facial expression and emotions of the subject in the screen frame

Mise En-Scene

Most of the scenes in the film took us back to the 60's theme according to the wardrobe of the maids and other casts in the film. Technically, it will give an emphasis on the character plus this movie was adapted from a novel which makes sense to take us (the audience) to the old-time back. Also, this gives balance in each character to show the difference between black and white people back then how black skin people were being treated not as equal as their colony. 


As for this movie, it gives so much impact on the audience in terms of racism and discrimination among white privilege people back then. Also, as human beings, we are supposed to treat people equally no matter what skin color they are all are the same in the eyes of God. In terms of shots, some of the shots really emphasize on the character and the theme of the movie and it is an impactful factor for this movie to move forth in winning awards. 


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